Maggie’s Lessons in Loyalty
Hi! I’m Maggie, the youngest team member at Workplace Results. I’ve been here since Thanksgiving of 2005, and I’m excited Pam and Sid asked me to share my perspectives on loyalty.
First, a bit about me. Some of my job tasks include greeting guests at the door (love that Fed Ex driver–she always brings me treats!), initiating play breaks, and leading the way to the C-A-R when we must run errands.
Sometimes you may hear me in the background when you call the office, although I’m working really hard at using my inside voice when I want to say something.
My favorite office items are BALL, ROPE, and BUNNY. I have my own work area near the bookshelf where I can monitor the activity in the office and keep track of Pam and Sid. This is a GREAT place to work!
Check out my perspectives on:
FUN at work